Folger Shakespeare Library:
Permanent Exhibition

“The labor we delight in physics pain.” It’s hard to imagine a more enriching or enjoyable task than imagining ways to bring Shakespeare alive for visitors to the world’s preeminent Shakespeare institution.

As part of its upcoming building renovation, the FSL collaborated with Local Projects to create enthralling concepts for a permanent exhibition.



Folger Shakespeare Library


Jake Barton · Creative direction
Kate Antonich · Project management
Jenny Wong · 3D design
Andrea Worby · Content development
Duy Pham · Visual experience design

at Local Projects

The entrance to the exhibition will foreshadow the experience of entering into world of the texts.

I worked closely with the content team to develop a communication design approach that brings out the emotional heart of Shakespeare.

We combined the magical devices of theater and the book arts to bring the worlds of his plays to life in interactive projections, and showcase the library’s treasures.

A second gallery will reveal the early modern world and allow visitors to appreciate the groundbreaking communication innovation of early printed books.